Why you should work on building relationships with your clients

Building strong and long-lasting relationships with your clients is an important part of running a successful business and more so, if you happen to be a freelancer. Your equation with your clients will ultimately determine your career prospects and work opportunities. Besides, it never hurts to have a few connections scattered over the field – you never know which one might come in handy someday!

Many freelance writers do not give due attention to establishing relationships with clients probably because they do not realize its importance. By ‘building relationships’ we are not implying in any way that you date your client, pay home visits and send those so-not-funny forwarded SMSs every morning. All that is required of you is to establish a pleasant professional equation – just enough for the client to remember that you are around and available for any upcoming projects and that you can be trusted to deliver your best in any task that is assigned to you. The world functions on relationships – a known provider always has an edge over an ambiguous one when it comes to securing a writing gig and you certainly don’t want to lose out on those grounds.
Here is why you should work your PR a bit further:
  • Most clients, especially editors, publishers and website owners, tend to have a steady flow of work pouring in. Being in their good books increases your odds of being re-employed or re-hired for a project.
  • Clients who have been pleased with your work in the past will not hesitate to recommend you to others. Word-of-mouth is the one of the best ways to enhance your business and it feels great to be appreciated too!
  • Happy clients will be glad to give you positive feedbacks/ references/testimonials which you can use to promote your portfolio.
  • The more you network with people from your field, the more you learn in terms of industry trends, job opportunities and the general scenario. Keeping abreast with new developments and progresses in the field is crucial for a freelancer because we don’t have office colleagues and seminars to do that for us.
  • Having clients from diverse fields and educational backgrounds gives you a huge database of resources when you need quotes for a feature article on a niche subject or an interview from a successful entrepreneur.

So how does one go about building these lasting relationships? Watch out for the next post : A Quick Guide to Building Long-Lasting Relationships With Your Client, for more!

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