How to write good headlines for online articles - 20 examples that totally click!

Written by: Anagha Patil

“ What happened in Paris . .
Ended last night in Vegas ” . . .
is the fateful story of every unfortunate guest post that lacks quirky, crispy heads *pause for effect* and subheads.When on a date, of course you feel interested in the way he showers you with chivalry or the way pink glitter surrounds her when she walks. But what exactly gets you going is the head, more obviously, the face. It is definitely the head that rules everything (Literally and figuratively). This notion really took me aboard in analysing the need and making of terrific headlines that play a surefire trick to getting things done.The headlines go on these lines . . .


#1 How to _____ even if ______ .
Everybody has a dream that has a back turn.This How-to lures people to relate their own minuses.
How to blog like a pro even if you’re a newbie.

#2 How to _____ your_____ will love !
Okay, now every blogger wants to be loved.This explains the need.
How to write content your audience will love !
How to make a cake your wife will love !

#3 How to _______ in 2015 .
All new and preppy.Who doesn’t want to live in the current era and do things that are the new hype !
How to create a six figure blog in 2015 !

#4 How to use _______ to _______.
Resources that we hear everyday and are always on the tip of our tongue, do give readers a reason to scrape through the post.
How to use Twitter/Facebook to create an audience.
How to use a hair dryer to blow your newly coloured bangs !

#5 How to ______ while _______.
Multitasking is not only attracting but also the need of the hour. This is a surefire sneak peak that readers would give up to.
How to travel abroad while infants along.
How to invent pitch ideas while day dreaming.
How to hack your boss’s pc while he is away !


#6 10_______ mistakes that make you sound/look/appear dumb (or whatever)
And nobody wants to be dumb.Readers will sneakily, if not publicly, have a look at this one to check if they are dumb!
5 marketing mistakes that make you sound wannabe.
10 proposal mistakes that make your girlfriend think you’re dumb!

#7 Do you make these 13________ mistakes?
Make the figure abrupt like 13 or 23 (prime numbers, you see) to sound like you are definitely going to be different and rare like those numbers.And readers will surely pull into to
Do you make these 7 pitching mistakes?

#8 20________ mistakes you don’t know you’re making!
OMG, i’m I making those ! Lemme check those out.Not 20, but the reader has already got the idea that maybe he has definitely made one of those mistakes.
20 email mistakes you don’t have any idea you’re making ! (More views)


#9 The (celebrity name) school of _________ .
Use this one carefully, though it is safer if played safe. Research says celeb names unleash the power to power-backed articles.
The Bill Gates school of tech marketing.
The Shakespeare school of anecdotal writings.

#10 5 little known things that make________ a terrific_________.
Again a controversy-packed one. But that seems legit as long as you’re stating the positives about the person.
10 little known things that make Tiger Woods a terrific golf player.
7 little known factor that make Zuckerberg the best CEO !


#11 WARNING : ____________
No matter what your content is and how you format it, there is something about the word ‘Warning’ that lets people in.
WARNING : You should never commit these grammar mistakes.
WARNING : These cats can prove fatal for your new branded loafer !

#12 _____ alert : ________________.
This is a warning yet a warm gesture because the writer wants his specific community or audience to know these things, that will safeguard them.
MOM alert : These actions make you look like a maniac!
MARKET alert : 5 types of clients you don’t want to mess with.

#13 The shocking truth about _______!
No wonder, this oldie head still works for people but it also creates a sturdy need to dwell on the content- It sure as hell should be shocking.
The shocking truth about (famous brand name) !
The shocking truth about online marketing tools !


#14 The minimalist guide to __________________.
Sometimes people don’t want a ‘140 tips to this’ or a ‘105 ways to that’.There are already quite busy and they need quicker responses that get them going on the go.
The minimalist guide to landing more clients via email.

#15 The Zen of _________________ .
Zen leads to calm, serenity and the Buddhist psychology.The Zen of meditation wouldn’t sounds remarkable because they are words from the same family.Instead you can write something chaotic -
The Zen of troublesome marketing tools.


#16 14 truth nobody will tell you about _____________.
And now the reader is revealing them, so jump readers !
7 truth no financial adviser will tell you about buying houses.
12 truths no boy friend will tell you about you !

#17 The 3 laws of ______________.
“LAWS” , another catchy word. There is something heavenly about this word that catches attention.Why are Newton’s law so famous and memorable till date otherwise !
The 5 laws of blog building and money making.

#18 9 unthinkable secrets about____________.
So how did the writer think up of them? Let’s peek in to get an idea.Maybe we get a clue anytime !
10 unthinkable secrets about Facebook.
5 unthinkable secrets about your cat.

#19 How safe is your__________ from_____________ ?
Now this one pulls at the core, not just the brain.
How safe is your reputation from potential clients?
How safe is your spouse from the office secretary?

#20 How to take charge of your __________?

This requires a bit of a research as to what problems bloggers go through. Google this statement and you will find many answers such as-

How to take charge of your freelance career?
How to take charge of dominating clients?
How to take charge of baldness?

The list goes on..
And this gives you a solid outline to invent more heads. So gear up people, construct headlines and wreck the internet !
All the best ;)

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